Friday, April 10, 2020

Chapter 1 - Segagaga Start! - Video Capture with Translated Subtitles

Well, it's been a long week, but the hard work is beginning to pay off. While inserting the translation into the video as subtitles, I realised how far from perfect it is, and I will likely continue to edit and improve bits and pieces over the course of this journey.

For now though, this will do. I don't want to spend too much time fretting over the fine details... at least until I've made my way through the remaining eight chapters.

Hope you enjoy it guys and gals... I'm knackered.

Please leave a comment, follow the Facebook page or something.

Let me know that there are people out there who want this!!!


  1. I am so excited for this! This game is a love letter to Sega and I could barely get around when I played it years ago. Keep up the awesome work!

  2. Thanks for your support. I'm making a walkthrough video of chapter 1 tomorrow to show ppl how to get started even if they have zero Japanese ability. Once that's done, I'll begin Chapter 2.

  3. OMG I would love to help, I'm coming back to emulation and Dreamcast is one of my favourite systems! Did you manage to get all the japanese text extracted from the game? If it's not like a secret, I would love to try and make my own translation on my free time even if it is just for fun!
